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With your sharp analyses, critical eye, strong stakeholder management, and insightful advice, you make Coolblue Germany a little better every day. How do I become a Business Analyst Germany at Coolblue? As a Business Analyst in Germany, you act as Bart's (Germany boss) co-pilot to identify growth opportunities for Coolblue Germany and determine the strategy based on data. You are in the unique position to spot opportunities for Coolblue Germany across all Coolblue departments (operations, website, finance, and marketing) and ensure they are capitalized upon. You collaborate with various departments (analysts and other specialists) to deliver results together. You enjoy doing this, Identifying opportunities across the breadth of Coolblue (operations, website, marketing, and finance) through data analysis, enabling further growth in Germany. This way, you'll get to know Coolblue quickly, and Coolblue will get to know you! Conducting analyses and building tools and dashboards to provide the team with insights and convince them of the improvements that will have the most impact. Working in a data candy store. You have all the data available that you could wish for to gain the necessary insights. And you don't have to manage the data yourself because that happens in the specific departments. Collaborating with numerous analysts from the specific departments to achieve new insights and results for Coolblue Germany together. Sitting down with stakeholders across Coolblue to understand what the real problem is and advising on how the best decision can be made based on available data. You take substantive leadership over Coolblue-wide projects as a data expert, ensuring realistic planning and efficient communication. On a professional level, you set an example for less experienced analysts and help them improve a little every day. You recognize yourself in the following, Completed university education with a strong quantitative component. Minimum of 4 years of relevant work experience, for example as a Data Analyst, Business Analyst, or (Strategy) Consultant. You have a passion for identifying opportunities from data. You are curious, analytical, and commercially driven. You are able to interpret data and insights from various departments. When necessary, you can also delve deep into complex problems and solve them. Maintaining a broad stakeholder network comes naturally to you. You adapt your communication to each stakeholder, and you get things done. You have experience building dashboards in BI tools such as Looker or Tableau. You have experience analyzing data using tools like SQL, Python, or BigQuery. An fluent command of the Dutch and/or English language. This is what you’re looking for in a job, Money. Over 30 training courses at our own Coolblue University. Travel allowance and a retirement plan and where-you-work-allowance. 25 days of leave. As long as you promise to come back. A discount on all our products. An extraordinarily good work environment with colleagues from all over the world who make you happy, epic (digital) Coolblue parties, pubquizzing, and other activities. Working together in an international environment with colleagues from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Turkey, Brazil, Mexico, and Italy, among others. Room for new initiatives and ideas. We’re always open to those, whether you’ve been with us for a week, a month, or a year. Hybrid working: a fine balance between working at the office and working from home. Of course, we’ll help you create the best home-office possible. Including desk chair, laptop, and blue garlands.

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Bij Coolblue krijg je de vrijheid om te doen wat je wilt. Het maakt niet uit of je nieuw bent, want er wordt gewoon naar je geluisterd en je krijgt de kans om inzichten te delen.
George Khedoe Product Support Specialist

Onze waarden

Vrienden; Eerlijk, direct, open.
Er zijn weinig bedrijven waar zoveel collega's ook vrienden zijn. Dat is onze kracht.
Gewoon, doen. Elke dag een beetje beter.
Niet lullen, maar poetsen. Geen woorden, maar daden. In Rotterdam hebben we er genoeg gezegdes voor. Bij Coolblue noemen we deze nuchtere ondernemersmentaliteit: gewoon, doen.
Flexibel. Durf te veranderen.
We veranderen continu. Soms omdat het kan, soms omdat het moet. Coolblue is vanaf het begin flexibel ingericht om onze harde groei te ondersteunen. Wie “we doen het altijd al zo” zegt is af.
Eigenzinnig. Een beetje anders.
Echte, eigenzinnige Coolblue'ers. Daar zijn we trots op. En daarom laten we die terugkomen in onze reclames en op onze websites. Gewoon als zichzelf.
Gewoon verwonderen. Alles voor een glimlach.
Gewoon verwonderen. Twee woorden die elkaar tegenspreken. Maar juist daarom zo ontzettend Coolblue zijn. Eigenzinnig én nuchter. Het woord gewoon zegt veel.
Solliciteren kost slechts enkele minuten.

Hier ga je werken: Coolblue

Ooit begonnen als studentenbedrijf. Nu het meest klantgerichte bedrijf in Nederland en België met eigen winkels, eigen klantenservice, eigen bezorging, eigen installatie en eigen reparatie. Sinds onze oprichting in 1999 hebben we maar één doel: klanten blij maken.
Er werken meer dan 6.300 Coolblue’ers bij ons, waaronder klantenservicemedewerkers, developers, fietsbezorgers en zonnepanelen-installateurs. We verwelkomen continu nieuwe vrienden ...

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